A Time in History (January 1-7)

January 4

PILAR TILOS was born in Hinoba-an, Negros Occ., Philippines in 1940. Baptized by a Columban priest, Pilar was a member of the 1990 first group of Columban lay missionaries, called RP 1, to be assigned to Pakistan. Hard-working and full of life and humour, Pilar died in her sleep at St. Columban’s, Lahore on January 4, 1996 and is buried in Lahore.


January 5

FR. PETER LEONARD was born in Belcoo, County Fermanagh, Ireland in 1933. He died unexpectedly in Ozamiz, Philippines on January 5, 2003. Having attended the local primary school and St. Macartan’s, Monaghan, he came to Dalgan seminary in 1951 where he was ordained in 1957. Appointed to the Philippines, he worked in various parishes in Mindanao until his ministry took a new direction to lay leadership and Basic Christian Communities. He directed the first Faith and Mission programme in Dalgan Park, Ireland.  Returning to Ozamiz in 1980, he taught at the new regional seminary of Dipolog, Ozamiz, Pagadian, Iligan and Marawi (DOPIM) until 1990 when he helped to establish and direct the Columban House of Studies in Quezon City and later initiate a programme for formators.  Quiet, gentle and amicable, Fr. Peter is buried in Ozamiz City.


FR. SEAN NOLAN was born in Cork City, Ireland in 1923. He died on January 5, 2002 in Castlebar Hospital, County Mayo, Ireland after a short illness. Fr. Sean received his early education from the Christian Brothers, Cork City.  In 1944, he joined the Columban Missionaries and was ordained priest in December 1950. Assigned to the Philippines, Fr. Sean worked in Mindanao for almost thirty years and then returned to Ireland. His home in Cork is named “Mindanao”! From 1981 until his death he ministered in Bunnacurry, Achill Island, County Mayo.  Fr. Sean is buried at Dalgan Park.
