My Faith Journey

I am Lydio, one of the newly aggregated seminarians of the Columbans. This aggregation is a milestone in my faith journey. I am grateful to God, our mission partners, and the Columbans for their unwavering support and guidance. This aggregation signifies my commitment and responsibility as a temporary member.  I’m in my fourth year at

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Stewardship through Gratitude

In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. It invokes positive emotions, relish good experiences, improves health, deals with adversity, and builds strong relationships. Stewardship through Gratitude I believe that the world is desperately in need of genuine stewards, especially within our familiesand communities. As Columbans, we are called to take care, protect, manage

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The Significant Evangelizers of the Modern Time

I associate the goodness of these mission partners with the couple St. Paul mentioned in his letter to the Corinthians. Aquilla and Priscilla were not popular but their effort and commitment to helping St. Paul in his journey to evangelize and spread the love of Jesus Chris were enormous and significant. The Significant Evangelizers of

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Responding to the Cry of the Earth

Despite promises of infrastructure development, the Subanen land was left barren, water sources were contaminated, the rivers ran dry, and communities suffered from the effects of cyanide poisoning. Responding to the Cry of the Earth By Sr. Anne Carbon, SSC Sr. Anne Carbon is the new leader of the Sisters of St. Columban. She is

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The impact of 50 years of US military bases left a deep moral damage on the Filipino people due to immoral and failed leaders.   THE “POISON SEED” OF THE FORMER US BASES Fr. Shay Cullen 12 May 2023  The memories of the past can come to us with a senseof foreboding, frustration and a desire for justice. At

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Living Out Our Truth by Fr. Erl Dylan Tabaco, SSC

“Consecrate them in the truth. Your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, so I sent them into the world. And I consecrate myself for them, so that they also may be consecrated in truth.” Living out our truth Reflection (May 24, 2023- Wednesday, 46th Day of Easter) By Fr Erl Dylan

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Henry, the unsung hero
Lay Mission Articles

A Tribute to an Unsung Hero

By Michael Javier, CLM   When the Covid 19 pandemic and the political conflict happened in Myanmar, many people suffered economically, physically, mentally and emotionally. Among the most affected were the young people who wanted to finish their education in order to get a high-paying job. However, the pandemic and political conflict prevented them from

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Justice Peace Ecology Articles


By Mosese Wasai Mitchell Yacalevu   In this present time, as  I sit to write  a few words of reflection, I find myself surrounded by  extreme heat and humidity. The once abundant wells and streams are drying up, leaving water sources scarce. The grasses are turning pale, and the forest cover are diminishing. People resort

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Mission Promotion Articles


MANY STRINGS TO HIS BOW by Frank Hoare MSSC  Our newest Columban missionary priest Fr Iowane Naio has already lived many different lives. He speaks five languages and has lived in five different cultures and will soon add to that. But his roots are in Namau Settlement about 10 km from Ba town on the Western

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By Joan Yap “Continue the dream for the family despite what happened in my life. Even though I lost one hand, I still have another one. I won’t give up. Just keep fighting. I believe in God. He won’t forsake us. Let’s continue to trust in God and in ourselves that we can overcome all

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Vocation Articles

The Simple Joys of a Priest

By Fr. Elbert Balbastro, SSC Like any other vocation or calling, priestly life is also filled with challenges, difficulties and struggles. Yet, amidst the toils and rough roads on my missionary journey, I always maintain an unwavering optimism. Beyond those humps and bumps of life lies a profound joy that could only be found in

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Vocation Articles

My Dream

By Matang M. Rotitaake, Columban Seminarian   My name is Matang, and I am 24 years of age. My biological parents are Moaniba Rotitaake and Tokanikaiatetaanga Tumeka. I was adopted by Maeke Batiata and Eritia Ibeata. I come from the island of Kiribati (pronounced as Ki-ri-baz), also known as Gilbert Island, in the Micronesian region

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