Requirements and Qualities:


  • Committed Catholic;
  • Ideally between 24 and 32 years old;
  • Graduate of any 4-year degree;
  • No financial obligation to anyone;
  • Healthy;
  • Generous;
  • Has a desire to help other people;
  • Has a personal relationship with God;
  • Has a capacity and desire to learn;
  • Has innate respect for other people;
  • Open to engaging with other cultures and ethnic groups;
  • Able to work collaboratively;
  • Has good social skills;
  • Has the ability to enjoy one’s own company and a variety of friendships;
  • Has the courage to take risks;
  • With healthy self-image;
  • With the ability to state one’s opinion different from that of others.

For steps and details, please contact:

E-mail: [email protected] 
Mobile No.: 0917-773-5005 / 0950-183-7474
Tel. No.: (02)- 8523-3361 loc. 121 (NCR)
(088) – 858-4425 (Cagayan de Oro)
Requirements and Qualities
  • Committed Catholic;
  • Graduate of a 4-year degree;
  • Healthy;
  • Ideally between 23 and 40 years old;
  • Single or married, male or female;
  • Mature, joyful, life-giving, good in teamwork, with a passion for life;
  • With work and pastoral experience;
  • Willing to join others for a nine-months orientation program;
  • Willing to commit at least three years to serve and learn from peoples of another culture,
  • language or religion.

1. E-mail [email protected] or text 0969-6108187 expressing your interest
to know more about the Columban Lay Mission;
2. Join a “come and see” or information day where those interested can have the chance to interact
with other applicants and Columban Lay Missionaries, therefore learning more about the Columban
Lay Missionaries;
3. Complete a personal profile form;
4. Undergo an accompaniment period of 6 months to one year;
5. Undergo a battery of psychological and intelligence tests, and personal appearances before an 
Admission Board;
6. Join an Orientation Program for  9 months.

For details, kindly contact:

E-mail: [email protected]
Smart: 0969-6108187
Landline: (02) 8722-5732
Who are the Columban Mission Partners?

Columban Mission Partners are individuals who support and collaborate with the
Columban Missionaries, sharing the Columban’s mission values and goals. They
include friends, supporters, benefactors, volunteers, and various others from different
walks of life. They are committed, generous, and work behind the scenes to make
contributions toward the formation of Columban seminarians, helping the poor and
marginalized while promoting God's love and building His Kingdom on Earth. They
actively participate in the life of the Columban Missionaries, joining recollections and
liturgies with a missionary focus and caring for the poor and the exploited earth. They
are more than just donors; they are companions on the journey, deeply dedicated to
bringing the love of Christ to everyone. Anyone can be a Mission Partner.

Be A Columban Partner Now!

For details, contact:

Luzon: Ms. Evelyn Sabate, 0917-7074250
Visayas: Fr. Brian Gore, SSC, 0917-1340131
Mindanao: Mr. Bernie Durangparang, 0950-1837474

For details, please contact:

Luzon: 0927-2120767 / 0921 -2435653
Mindanao: 0956 -4718658 / 0918-5423168
[email protected]