With gratitude, and hearts filled with joy and praise to God, the Columban Lay Missionaries is celebrating its 30 years of mission this year 2020. We honor the past, treasure the present and live in hope for the future.
The first team of six (6) lay missionaries from Korea arrived in the Philippines in 1990. The first group of three (3) lay missionaries from the Philippines were sent to Pakistan in October of the same year. Since then, Columban lay missionaries have been sent on cross-cultural mission to about fourteen (14) countries working in partnership with the Columban priests, students, sisters, co-workers and the people they work with and work for.
A virtual Eucharistic celebration was held on October 6, 2020 to commemorate this milestone and celebrate the blessings and gifts received and the challenges encountered along the journey. It was participated by Columban Missionaries from the Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Korea, Myanmar, Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Japan, Chile, Pakistan, Peru, Fiji and Tonga.
We pray for guidance, that as we continue the journey, the same Spirit who called us to where we are today will lead us along the way.
St. Columban, pray for us!
To God be the glory and praise!