A Gift to the Church

On the Occasion of the Missionary Society of St. Columban’s 100 years of Mission


A Gift to the Church

On the Occasion of the Missionary Society of St. Columban’s 100 years of Mission

On a sunny Saturday afternoon of February 17, 2018 at 3:00pm, Rev. Erl Dylan J. Tabaco was ordained a priest of the Missionary Society of St. Columban by Most Reverend Antonio J. Ledesma, SJ, DD, Archbishop of Cagayan de Oro at the Most Holy Rosary Parish, Agusan, Cagayan de Oro City. The parish was jubilant having its first ordination. The parishioners, with its ever supportive parish priest, Fr. Cornelio J. Cadenas Jr., STL, SSJV, worked hard for a meaningful celebration. Holy Rosary Parish was under the Columbans since 1971 until 2012. We thank God for the gift of Reverend Erl to the whole church, and to the Society in time for its centennial celebration.


Reverend Erl with his parents


Bishop Antonio Ledesma laying his hands on Reverend Erl Tabaco


Mrs. Tabaco untying the anointed hands of her son Rev. Erl


Newly-ordained priest Rev. Fr. Erl Tabaco joining his brother priests for a photo op