We, Columban missionaries, regard environmental protection as one of our priority ministries. This year, at the Hope Workers’ Center (HWC) in Taiwan, we introduced the Care for Creation Ministry and made it intentional to be included in our plan of action and calendar of activities.
In past years, our efforts for this cause were limited to commemorating Earth Day in April and the Season of Creation in September by having symbolic offerings during the celebration of the Eucharist, using the various elements of creation such as the soil, water, plants, and the globe. Recently, we felt that we needed to exert more effort and strengthen our involvement by researching, preparing, and providing education and awareness regarding environmental concerns. We see the church as our best venue for reaching out to the migrant workers, including our volunteers, in realizing that this concern is not only an individual or a group concern, but a concern of all humankind and all life forms. Every month, we choose a theme that we wish to focus on for giving education and awareness to the parishioners during the celebration of the Eucharist. We have an additional Prayer of the Faithful and include a reminder during the church announcements, while also showing audio-visual materials on practical ways to reduce our garbage, avoid single-use plastics, and becoming a better consumer.