Waiting, Beauty and Hope: Advent Reflection on Faith

During these difficult times of natural and man-made calamities, and the current coronavirus pandemic, we may find ourselves asking, “To what or to whom do we hang-on to? Cling to?  What keeps us moving?”


by Arlenne Villahermosa

    Columban lay missionary


During these difficult times of natural and man-made calamities, and the current coronavirus pandemic, we may find ourselves asking, “To what or to whom do we hang-on to? Cling to?  What keeps us moving?”


I suppose, it is faith!  We’ve got to believe in something, or someone. For us, Catholics, we believe in God, the God who is full of goodness, mercy and compassion.  We believe that something good will come out of this.  We don’t know how or when, but we believe.  We have faith in our hearts.


I remember a friend who shared with me her struggles to make both ends meet in the family, having a sick husband and a son who became a drug addict.  Many of her friends and relatives told her to let go of the son since he’s only causing trouble and difficulties, like stealing money, selling things, coming home drunk and shouting at her and her husband, calling them names, etc. But she said that her son was born out of love, and that she would continue loving him until he’s transformed by it. For her, he is a beautiful gift.  He was born good.  She believed that one day, good will triumph.  Every once in a while, her son would become sober and would ask for an apology for the mess he had been causing the family, and to each of these times, she always forgave him and assured him of her love. At the end of each day, she would thank God for surviving another day and prayed that God would always lead the way and give her the strength to love her son without ceasing. It took about 15 years before the son finally decided to quit using drugs and straighten out his life ahead of him.


How great was my friend’s joy when that time came! She had faith and was willing to wait, to persevere, to go through the journey with an open heart and mind, willing to welcome newness and participate in the unfolding of each day.


Faith allows my friend and us to move, live and thrive in a world of uncertainties.  Faith is not following blindly.  It makes us see more than what meets our eyes.  Faith recognizes the good, the true and the beautiful in the person, the whole of humanity, and creation.


We believe that when we are sleeping our body is at work repairing and restoring whatever was lost or spent during the day; we believe that the seeds we have planted are in the process of growing to become a tree even if we don’t see what’s happening deep down in the soil; we believe in the air even if we don’t see it…Faith is a grace and a gift from God. It’s there for us to receive and nurture.


Faith is not passive. In spite of the uncertain future, it was Mary’s faith, her “Yes”, that has made it possible for God becoming one with us in Jesus.


Faith moves us to speak, do something and share God’s goodness…and this gives hope…and brings joy…and makes us see beauty amidst all the calamities and difficulties in life.

We pray that, in this season of Advent, our faith may increase as we welcome Christ into our lives.
