Latest Announcement
From the Director

MALIGAYANG PASKO NG MULING PAGKABUHAY NI HESUKRISTO! ALLELUIA! As we reflect on our shared mission and the path forward for the Missionary Society of St. Columban, we find ourselves
News Feature

New Life in Sierra Madre
By Sr. Virginia Mozo, SSC When I returned to the Philippines after working with refugees in Mexico, I had a month at the foot of Sierra Madre (the longest
Bible Verse of the Day
Readings and Reflections
Prayers and Petitions
News and Articles

Sharing in God’s Mission to Care for our Common Home
We, Columban missionaries, regard environmental protection as one of our priority ministries. This year, at the Hope Workers’ Center (HWC) in Taiwan, we  introduced the Care for Creation Ministry and

By Mosese Wasai Mitchell Yacalevu  In this present time, as  I sit to write  a few words of reflection, I find myself surrounded by  extreme heat and humidity. The

From the Director
MALIGAYANG PASKO NG MULING PAGKABUHAY NI HESUKRISTO! ALLELUIA! As we reflect on our shared mission and the path forward for the Missionary Society of St. Columban, we find ourselves

MANY STRINGS TO HIS BOW by Frank Hoare MSSCÂ Â Our newest Columban missionary priest Fr Iowane Naio has already lived many different lives. He speaks five languages and has lived in

By Lilibeth Sabado, CLM A busy day in the shelter means having to welcome more than 20 guests at once during a meal time or receiving arrivals just few

Reflection: Feast of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
By Fr Erl Dylan Tabaco, SSC We all have plans in our lives. This is a universal facet of our human experience and regardless of what state of
A Time in History

A Time in History (September 1-7)
September 6 FR. PATRICK CAHILLÂ was born at Knockanes, Headford, County Kerry, Ireland in 1924. He died suddenly in Kilgarvan, County Kerry, on September 6, 1974. After finishing his secondary studies

A Time in History (August 1-7)
August 1 FR. PATRICK HICKEYÂ was born in Subiaco, Perth, Western Australia on April 20, 1930. He died suddenly in the Epworth Hospital, Melbourne on August 1, 2013. Educated in the

A Time in History (August 17-23)
August 17 FR. AUGUSTINE ROWEÂ was born in 1923 at Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland. He died on August 17, 1991 at Dalgan. Father Gus, as he was fondly called, received his