Justice Peace Ecology Articles

Jemuel’s Story

By Fr. Vincent Busch The Subanens are an indigenous people whose ancestral homeland is in the mountains of northwest Mindanao.  Like other indigenous peoples in the Philippines, the Subanens have a spiritual bond with their habitat and relate with that habitat through their dance, music, and rituals.   And, like other indigenous peoples, the Subanens …

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Sharing in God’s Mission to Care for our Common Home

We, Columban missionaries, regard environmental protection as one of our priority ministries. This year, at the Hope Workers’ Center (HWC) in Taiwan, we  introduced the Care for Creation Ministry and made it intentional to be included in our plan of action and calendar of activities.   In past years, our efforts for this cause were …

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By Mosese Wasai Mitchell Yacalevu   In this present time, as  I sit to write  a few words of reflection, I find myself surrounded by  extreme heat and humidity. The once abundant wells and streams are drying up, leaving water sources scarce. The grasses are turning pale, and the forest cover are diminishing. People resort …


Waiting, Beauty and Hope: Advent Reflection on Care

We need to care not only because caring is our birth right, or because we are driven by our natural desire for sustenance and life. We must care not only for our love of nature’s beauty nor  for our hope of an abundant life. We simply must care just as our Creator and Father cares. …

Waiting, Beauty and Hope: Advent Reflection on Care Read More »