Mission Promotion Articles

Jemuel’s Story

By Fr. Vincent Busch The Subanens are an indigenous people whose ancestral homeland is in the mountains of northwest Mindanao.  Like other indigenous peoples in the Philippines, the Subanens have a spiritual bond with their habitat and relate with that habitat through their dance, music, and rituals.   And, like other indigenous peoples, the Subanens …

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Nurturing Hope Together

By Jao Resari, Columban Lay Missionary Every December 1, World AIDS Day is observed globally. Some might wonder why, despite over 40 years since the first reported AIDS case, significant progress in medical research, and effective treatment enabling people with HIV to lead long and healthy lives, AIDS remains a public health challenge. In the …

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My Old Missionary Bag

A Gift of the Columban Spirit By Fr. Jude Genovia, SSC In the summer of 1995, I had to leave for Japan as part of my First Mission Assignment (FMA). This cross-cultural assignment outside the Philippines marked the realization of the next phase of my vocation discernment. A significant aspect of this cross-cultural journey occurred …

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Henry, the unsung hero

A Tribute to an Unsung Hero

By Michael Javier, CLM   When the Covid 19 pandemic and the political conflict happened in Myanmar, many people suffered economically, physically, mentally and emotionally. Among the most affected were the young people who wanted to finish their education in order to get a high-paying job. However, the pandemic and political conflict prevented them from …

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Thanking Our Mission Partners

“Pasundayag Pasalamat Alang sa Pagpadayon”  By Bernie Durangparang, Mission Animator for Mindanao On February 17, 2024, the Columban Missionaries in Cagayan de Oro hosted a cultural showcase titled “Pasundayag Pasalamat (Columban Mission Padayon)” to express our gratitude to the Mission Partners for their generous support over the years towards the Columban Mission. The showcase highlighted the different  cultures of the …

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Ms. Rosa Bandiola, Columban Mission Partner

By Lily Faunillan, Columban Mission Animator I cannot forget the lovely sharing and conversation I had with Ms. Rosa Bandiola, one of the Columban Mission Partners from Isabela, Negros Occidental. Born on December 14, 1944, she is now almost 80 years old. Ms. Bandiola embodies determination, compassion, passion, and dedication as a teacher. For forty-four …

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Meet Our Mission Partners, Beth and Bonifacio Aprecio

  “Our journey as Columban Mission Partners is exciting and rewarding.  We always look forward to our monthly recollection and Mass celebrated by a Columban priest. Our monthly recollections deepen our relationship with God and with our neighbors. By listening to God’s words, reflecting, and group sharing, we grow spiritually. It is also a venue …

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Sharing in God’s Mission to Care for our Common Home

We, Columban missionaries, regard environmental protection as one of our priority ministries. This year, at the Hope Workers’ Center (HWC) in Taiwan, we  introduced the Care for Creation Ministry and made it intentional to be included in our plan of action and calendar of activities.   In past years, our efforts for this cause were …

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By Mosese Wasai Mitchell Yacalevu   In this present time, as  I sit to write  a few words of reflection, I find myself surrounded by  extreme heat and humidity. The once abundant wells and streams are drying up, leaving water sources scarce. The grasses are turning pale, and the forest cover are diminishing. People resort …